Thursday 2 July 2009

Vince DelMonte Review

Due to my long term interest in' all things sport' and my recent personal re-dedication to getting back into tip-top shape, I regularly search the internet for help and advice on whatever issues I'm having - be they sport/fitness-related or not.

I was particularly keen to follow a proven step by step blueprint to getting into good shape again - now that I'm in my mid 30s and let's say, don't have the natural athleticism I once did! I wouldn't say I've really let myself go but I could certainly be more toned and just build up my overall physique in general.

So anyway, after much searching I came across 2 or 3 guys who seemed to be regularly cropping up when I was seeking good muscle building programs, one of whom is Vince DelMonte (seen pictured above).

I decided to purchase his program having read all about him and various testimonials etc and I must say I have been more than impressed. So much so that I have written a Vince DelMonte Review on my website which I've been working on recently. I have carried out a lot of research into different products in this area and so I wanted to save other readers the time and effort I went through, and so decided to build a website to help readers with their own quest for building better muscles and losing fat.

I have been so impressed with his program that I decided to dedicate a page to reviewing this guy who used to be called 'skinny vinny' but has since gone on to build an extremely impressive muscular physique. He has also helped countless others achieve great things and having corresponded with him a lot recently I can confirm that he is a top guy who leaves no stone unturned in his desire to see others achieve the same level of success as he has himself.

His main product is his No Nonsense Muscle Building ebook which also contains excellent video footage etc. I have been working on his UpsideDown training approach before going on to the 29 week program. I must say I am finding it totally engrossing and am seeing some great results. I particularly like his detail when it comes to nutrition which is an area I always just guessed at. But now, with his program, I have exact meal plans laid out in front of me so I have absolutely no excuse for not eating the way I should - and eating the right things at the right times is extremely important as Vince regularly reminds his readers.

Listen, I'll not go on any more about Vince at this stage. Take it from me who has done the research, the guy is who he claims to be and will get you results, guaranteed! Read more details about him and his program in my Vince DelMonte Review.

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